Transforming Operational Efficiency: How LogesTechs helped Yamamah Express save time and streamline processes.

Transforming Operational Efficiency: How LogesTechs helped Yamamah Express save time and streamline processes.

Transformative Impact: How LogesTechs Enhanced Yamamah Express's Operations


Yamamah Express is a fast-growing medium-sized logistics company in Saudi Arabia, focusing its operations in Riyadh. Yamamah Express is committed to staying at the forefront of logistics innovations to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. We had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Majed Al-Hazal, the operations manager, to delve into the company's challenges, solutions, and the transformative impact of LogesTechs software.

Challenges Faced with Manual Operations

Before adopting LogesTechs software, Yamamah struggled with parcel tracking and management inefficiencies, leading to lost packages and customer dissatisfaction. The previous software they used does not support a full Order Management System (OMS) solution, as LogeTechs does.

Mr. Al-Hazal highlighted the critical need for a precise and all-in-one logistics system that not only streamlines internal processes but also offers customers real-time visibility into their shipments, bolstering trust and operational integrity.

Enhanced Parcel Management

LogesTechs software snapshot showcasing parcel management interface, including package details and transaction specifics.
Logistics program snapshot depicting parcel tracking screen with categorized orders like "Submitted Shipments," "Ready for Dispatching," and "Postponed Delivery.

Optimized Driver Management

Previously hindered by manual driver coordination & management, depending on outdated communications, and manual messaging and phone calls, Yamamah now leverages LogesTechs' GPS-enabled tracking, enabling real-time driver monitoring and swift digital communication. This integration has streamlined logistics operations, reducing manual efforts and enhancing resource management efficiency.

A Snapshot from LogesTechs displaying driver locations on a map in real-time, facilitating efficient tracking and coordination.

Efficient Team Management

Managing a team of seven in the Operations Department, Mr. Al-Hazal relies on LogesTechs' customizable interfaces to monitor workflow stages seamlessly. The system's user-friendly design caters to diverse operational needs, empowering each team member with role-specific tools and insights. With LogesTechs, Mr. Al Hazal can follow up with his team members, identify bottlenecks, and manage human resources efficiently. In addition, the LogesTechs interface is designed by the standard workflow in logistics operational processes, with customizable features to tailor the workflow to your internal needs.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Using LogesTechs helped Yamamah Express enhance its customer experience in Last Mile Delivery. The consignee (shipment recipient) is now able to track their shipment in real-time, contact the driver, and be at the delivery location only when needed. These features helped in raising customer satisfaction and experience with Yamamah Express services.

Seamless Integration and Rapid Adoption

LogesTechs' intuitive interface facilitated swift integration into Yamamah's existing tech stack, ensuring minimal downtime and rapid adoption across the team. The software's versatility, including mobile applications for drivers and API integrations with platforms like Salla, Zid, Torod, Odoo, and many more, underscores its adaptability and efficiency gains.

“The team was able to get up and running with the software in less than a week! This is an important aspect to us as time is critical in logistics operations”

Transformative Results

By centralizing and digitizing operations on a single platform, Yamamah reduced manual workload by 62%, optimized end-to-end logistics management, and fortified client relationships. The transition to LogesTechs software has streamlined operational resources and optimized profitability.

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